Participate in our regional Performance Improvement campaign, powered by FirstWatch
EMS Agencies across North America use FirstWatch to turn their raw data into useful, actionable information to improve operations, performances, clinical measures, and provide early warnings for crucial events. FirstWatch uses automated EMS-centric reporting and real-time, web-based data visualization tools. User-defined data filters called “triggers” help monitor your team’s performance against defined operational objectives. Real-time data is displayed in dashboards and can be accessed on any mobile device connected to the internet.
For more information on our regional initiative, please visit FirstWatch or contact the Eastern PA EMS Council Performance Improvement Team.

2023 Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival (CARES) Data

The following reports are Pennsylvania Cumulative Reports
PA 2023 Utstein Survival Report
PA 2013-2023 CARES Summary Report
PA 2023 CARES Summary Report
PA 2023 CARES Survival Report
PA 2013-2023 CARES Survival Report

2024 Intubation “Checklist” 

Regional Intubation Checklist K50 with Etomidate

Regional Intubation Checklist K50 without Etomidate

Regional Intubation Checklist K100 with Etomidate

Regional Intubation Checklist K100 without Etomidate

2023 PI Committee Presentation


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